Monday, May 30, 2011

The Many Faces of Rosemary

Rosemary has been watching toys for a while now... she doesn't really play with them yet, but she'll stare at the mobile on her swing for 20 minutes at a time, and her face goes through all kinds of different expressions as she watches. Lately, she has also started making happy noises while she watches her mobile go around. I'm convinced that she is talking to her friends as they circle her head. It is incredibly cute.

We spent the last four days at my parents' house while our hardwood floors were being refinished, and during that time Rosemary got to know the new toy at Grandma's house. This morning, her Grandma took (literally) 100 pictures of her as she watched the frog (on her left) and beach ball (on her right). Unfortunately, you don't get to hear how cute she is, but at least you can see it. I managed to narrow it down to just 11 pictures (I know! It's still a lot... but she's just so gosh darn cute!!)... and now, I present to you... the many faces of Rosemary:

Uh oh... looks like play time is over...

Grandma! Stop taking my picture and get me out of here!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it!! She is beautiful. I can't get over how expressive she is! She is beyond adorable. We will have to get our girls together one of these days, I want to meet her.
