Friday, May 27, 2011

Fixing up the nursery

I was still in the process of sorting through the boxes stacked in Rosemary's room when our girl surprised us with her early arrival... And my mom saved the day by moving most of the boxes to my parents' garage, disassembling the bunk bed, and setting up a corner of the room to be ready for baby, all while we were still in the hospital. When we came home, we found a nicely cleared space with baby's armoire, a borrowed changing table (thank you, Silvas!) and a new garbage can and diaper pail. Everything was ready for being able to change diapers and dress the baby, and keep most of baby's stuff organized. This is how the nursery has remained until a few weeks ago, when I decided it was time to get her room "finished."

Since then, our house has been in a state of upheaval... We moved almost everything out of her room and into the living room, with the exception of a few pieces of furniture, so we could remove the old wallpaper and then paint. Our plan was to remove the carpeting in chunks so that we wouldn't have to move the remaining furniture out of the room... This plan didn't stick, as we didn't count on my parents (our landlords) insisting that the hardwood floor get refinished. It was a bit of extra work, but we got the rest of the furniture out of the nursery, and stashed it in the living room with the rest of the stuff - by this time, the living room was quite full. Removing the carpet was not too tough; it only took an hour or so. When the flooring guy came to look at the space and give us a bid, he recommended that we also do the hallway and living room because it would be more cost effective.

So now here we are, three weeks into the project, and spending our second day at my parents' house while half the floors in our house are being refinished. Todd is being a real trooper, especially because I know this is a lot more than he bargained for when he agreed to this whole project! It's been pretty fun for Rosemary and I, getting to hang out with her grandma and her cousin Emma for two days, but it will be nice when we can be back in our own house. And even though Pokey and Henrietta Pussycat seem to be acclimating to our temporary lodgings, I'm sure they'll be happy to return to familiar surroundings as well.

I'll post some pictures of our progress later - I can't get to our pictures until we are allowed back in our house!

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