Saturday, January 22, 2011

Time to Get Serious... There's a baby coming!

We're at T-minus 12 weeks, give or take, and are sort of kind of starting to seriously think about getting started on the nursery. We did buy a crib mattress a week or two ago, and I ordered the crib today (in white, if you're curious). It should be here in 6-10 weeks. So... I guess that's progress! There's no actual "room" to put these items in, however, and that is the daunting project that faces us. Well, not so much US, more like ME. The future nursery is filled (to the ceiling, it seems) with boxes of my stuff that needed to move out of the way to make room for Todd. I determined that this room would be tackled after the Christmas stuff was put away... and, shockingly, there are still Christmas decorations adorning our home. (What's that? You're not shocked? Rude. Justified, of course, but still rude.) So, I suppose step 1 is to get Christmas put away... and I'd better get moving, since my belly isn't getting any smaller and April isn't getting any farther away.

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